Some anti-snoring devices have been development by dentists. usually snorers themselves. The SleepTight mouthpiece was developed by Dr. Mike Williams, a member of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Read our review to find out if it works.
Developed by a dentist.
Made with quality materials.
No BPA or latex.
Can be readjusted.
Can be uncomfortable.
Some users have complained that it can be stained easily.
Can cause drooling.
Can’t be worn by people with crowns, caps, or implants.
It’s easy to see why SleepTight Mouthpiece is popular. It is a well-designed, quality product. Nevertheless, boil and bite MADs are very common and dominate the market.
In our opinion there are better options available. Read our guide on the best devices to stop snoring here.
Our Rating 6.5/10
What is SleepTight Mouthpiece
A device to improve breathing, cleared by the FDA for snoring and sleep apnea
What Will I Learn?
In-Depth SleepTight Mouthpiece Review
SleepTight Mouthpiece is a commercially-available product aimed at people who have a problem with snoring.
Snoring is a common issue. It robs you of sleep and can put a strain on even the best of relationships.
Nobody wants to find the sound of their snoring has pulled them out of a deep sleep. Nor is it pleasant to be woken up by an elbow in the ribs or the words “Stop snoring!”
The worst thing about snoring is it’s seldom a problem that goes away on its own. You have to take steps to get it under control.
Some people endure unpleasant surgical procedures that often do not work. Others try various “solutions” suggested by their family and friends.
There are plenty of ways to try and stop snoring. SleepTight Mouthpiece is just one of many and, as the name suggests, it’s a type of mouthguard you place in your mouth before going to sleep.
What is SleepTight Mouthpiece?
SleepTight Mouthpiece is a mandibular avancement device (MAD). There are many similar items available to buy online.
You can also buy MADs in certain stores and the quality can vary a great deal. As can the results you can expect.
Although MADs have been around for a while, they weren’t always so easy to obtain. They were originally only available via dental practitioners.
If you are unfamiliar with this type of device it may seem a crazy idea to ask your dentist for something to help you stop snoring.
However, it’s not as strange as it may seem because MADs cover your teeth and use them to manipulate the position of your jaw.
When dentists construct this type of anti-snoring device the first thing they need to do is take an impression of your teeth—top and bottom.
The anti snoring mouthpieces you buy online are generally set-up using a system called boil and bite. SleepTight Mouthpiece is no exception.
Before you can use the device you need to place it in boiling water.
This softens the material it’s made from, making it possible to bite into it and make an impression.
With most MADs, and again SleepTight Mouthpiece is no exception, you have to push your lower jaw forward and hold it steady while you are making the impression.
Later, when you are wearing the device and your teeth are inside, it will force you lower jaw forward into this unnatural position. Maintaining the position during sleep helps many people to stop snoring.
Who Makes SleepTight Mouthpiece?
In this case, the name of the product and the name of the company that makes it are the same. SleepTight Mouthpiece is manufactured by SleepTight Mouthpiece.
Although the devices are produced in the UK, SleepTight Mouthpiece was developed in the United States. It’s the brainchild of a Dentist from Florida.
His name is Michael Williams. He’s a graduate of The University of Tennessee Health Science Center and has a Doctoral Degree in Dentistry (DDS).
Dr Williams is also a member of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine so he’s more than qualified to design a device of this type.
He took an interest in sleep medicine due to his own problem with snoring, which was an even bigger problem for his wife.
Eventually, he came up with the prototype for his SleepTight Mouthpiece. It proved to be a successful treatment for his snoring so he partnered with a manufacturer based in the UK. The rest, as they say, is history.
Advertised Benefits
- Easy to fit and simple to use
- Helps treat snoring and sleep apnea
- Never interrupt your partner’s sleep again
- Get a better night’s sleep
- Improve your relationships
- Have more energy during the day
- Designed by a dentist and professional researcher
- Cleared by the FDA for effectiveness and safety
Device Classification
SleepTight Mouthpiece is a mandibular advancement device (MAD)
MADs were originally developed as a treatment for sleep apnea.
SleepTight Mouthpiece is not intended to be used as a sleep apnea treatment but some people find it offers them relief.
Design & Material
SleepTight Mouthpiece is made from thermoplastic. As with most of the better MADs, it does not contain any BPA or latex.
According to the official site, the device generally lasts six months to two years. If that’s so, it may be slightly harder-wearing than many other MADs.
The device also has a small airway in the center that fits in front of the gap in the teeth. This is not unusual. However, SleepTight Mouthpiece comes with a special fitting handle you insert into the airway.
The fitting handle is a nice idea. It makes it easier to take the boil and bite impression. Depending on your personal preference, you can also use it to help with positioning the device before sleep.
How Does SleepTight Mouthpiece Work?
Snoring is often caused by airflow obstructions at the back of the throat.
There can be other contributing factors but, in some cases, the obstruction occurs when the tongue relaxes during sleep.
The relaxed state allows the tongue to drop towards the back of the throat.
There are two ways to stop airflow being restricted in this way.
The first one is to wear a tongue stabilizing device (TSD) during sleep. The second way is to use a mandibular advancement device.
TSDs are hollow devices you insert in your mouth. They sit between your teeth and have a small plate that rests against the outside of your lips.
Above the plate, there is a bulbous section you can squeeze.
You apply pressure to it with your fingers and place your tongue in the lower section between your teeth.
When you remove pressure from the bulb it causes a vacuum.
This draws the tongue inside and stretches it forward. Some snorers find this prevents tongue sag and snoring.
MADs also prevent the tongue from sagging at the back but they do so in a different way.
Instead of pulling on the top section of the tongue, they move the lower jaw forward. The tongue is attached to the bottom of the mouth so it moves forward too.
MADs force the jaw forward using the teeth. The ones at the front take most of the pressure.
For that reason, you may not be able to use a MAD if you have too many false teeth, implants, or crowns at the front of your mouth.
When you are using a boil and bite MAD, you need to get it right when you are making the impression.
If you don’t advance your lower jaw by a sufficient amount, the MAD may not work. If you advance it too far, wearing the device may cause you unnecessary discomfort and pain.
Can You Expect Any Discomfort or Side Effects?
MADs have a reputation for being uncomfortable to sleep in. Let’s not forget they do what they do by forcing the lower jaw into an unnatural position. Most people who use a MAD experience some level of discomfort.
Fortunately, it often eases off after the jaw becomes used to being held in such an unusual position.
MADs are hard on the teeth too. If you have gum disease or a similar dental problem, using such devices may loosen your teeth. Some people also complain their MAD ruined the alignment of their teeth.
Crowns and implants also present problems if they are at the front of your mouth. You should not attempt to use a MAD unless you have several strong, natural front teeth at the top and several more at the bottom.
If you have any doubts about your dental health, you should check with a dentist before using SleepTight Mouthpiece or any other brand of MAD.
Maintenance Requirements & Product Longevity
SleepTight Mouthpiece has no moving parts so maintenance is not an issue. However, you will need to clean the device before you put it away after use.
Keeping the SleepTight Mouthpiece clean is not a difficult task. All you need is access to a toothbrush and water.
SleepTight Mouthpiece is a good quality product. The manufacturer says it may last for up to two years and should last for six months at the very least.
Like your teeth, MADs are put under a lot of pressure so even a year is a longer than normal life expectancy. As a rule of thumb expect six months but hope for more.
However, if you have a habit of grinding your teeth at night, SleepTight Mouthpiece may not make it as far as six months.
Does this Anti-Snoring Device Need a Prescription?
No. There is no need for a prescription. Anyone can purchase this product and use it to try and control their snoring.
SleepTight Mouthpiece Customer Reviews
The SleepTight Mouthpiece showcases several hand-picked customer testimonials. All of them suggest the device is very effective and does what it’s supposed to do.
However, it’s hard to rely on testimonials placed at such a biased source. MADs have a reputation for causing discomfort. I find it difficult to believe none of the company’s customers are experiencing such issues.
I searched for an independent source of customer reviews that would detail the bad points as well as the good. Unfortunately, I was unable to find one.
There is however a few video reviews – such as this one below.
SleepTight Mouthpiece Review Summary
It’s easy to see SleepTight Mouthpiece is a well-designed, quality product. Nevertheless, boil and bite MADs are ten a penny.
Other than the nice, little fitting handle, I’m not seeing anything new. It’s really just a case of someone reinventing the wheel and throwing in a tire lever as well.
Due to the problems associated with MADs in general, it would have been helpful to find an independent and unbiased source of reviews.
Unbiased reviews are always good for building trust.
However, if you live in the US, you will be able to try the device for less than $10.
That may be the best idea, but you’ll need to read all the details of the offer before you do. Failure to do so will only cause you additional expense [Further details on this below].
Where You Can Buy SleepTight Mouthpiece & How Much You Will Pay
If you are specifically interested in buying this product, you need to be aware there are many similar products with sound-alike names. For instance, some sites sell mouth guards called “Sleep Tight”—two words. This product is “SleepTight”—one word.
Just because a product looks the same does not mean it will work the same. There may also be differences in build quality and the materials the mouth guards are made from.
If you live in the US, you will be able to order a SleepTight mouthpiece from the manufacturer’s website.
If you live in Canada or anywhere else in the World, you will need to buy a mouthpiece via The site offers shipping options to most countries of the world. is the only marketing partner SleepTight works with, so if you think you see the product elsewhere you are probably looking at a fake.
Comparing the Options
US citizens have the option of buying via instead of the official site. Before deciding which option to choose, there are few considerations you may want to bear in mind.
The first thing to know is it’s not possible to make a normal purchase via the manufacturer’s website. All you can do is order a SleepTight Mouthpiece on trial. The trial price is only $.9.95 and shipping is free.
That’s not a lot of money to pay and the 30-day trial period is plenty long enough. You will only need to use the product for a few days to see if it works for you.
However, there’s a catch to buying via the trial and, if you don’t read all the terms and conditions, you may miss it.
If SleepTight Mouthpiece doesn’t work for you, you need to contact the manufacturer before your 30 days is up. If you don’t they will charge a further USD 69.95 to your card. This is to cover the full cost of the mouthpiece (USD 79.90).
You also need to be aware the 30-day trial begins on the day you place your order, not on the day you receive your mouthpiece. If there are any delays in delivery your evaluation period will not be as long as you expect.
If you choose to buy via, there is no trial. You can only buy the product outright. It will only cost you USD 69.95 and, if you live in the US, the shipping is free.
However, if you live in Canada the shipping costs will add a further USD 20 to the price you pay. If you live elsewhere in the world, the shipping costs are likely to be more.
The SleepTight Mouthpiece Guarantee
The SleepTight Mouthpiece website displays an emblem that suggests there is a 30-day money-back guarantee. Unfortunately, that does not appear to be the case.
The SleepTight Mouthpiece Returns Policy states the company will cancel the balance if you return the mouthpiece.
It appears the original payment covers shipping and handling costs, which are not returnable.
The way the guarantee is presented is a little misleading but paying less than $10 to try an item of this nature, is not such a bad deal.
Recommended: What are the best anti-snoring mouth guards and mouthpieces available to buy.
Top FAQ’s
It may be possible to do so in some cases. It all depends on how many real teeth you have left and where they are situated in your mouth. Safe fitting requires several good front teeth at the top of the mouth and several more at the bottom.
If you have any partial dentures at the front of your mouth it’s best to check with your dentist before using the device.
All being well, you or your partner should notice a difference on the first night. If this is not the case, you may need to repeat the boil and bite process and try to position your jaw further forward than you did the first time around.
The FDA has approved SleepTight Mouthpiece for treating snoring and mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in adults. Alternative uses are off-label.
If you suffer from sleep apnea or any serious medical conditions it’s best to get a doctor’s advice before using the device.
The entire mouthpiece is constructed from one material. It’s a type of plastic called ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA).
EVA is widely accepted as safe and is often used for making baby’s teethers.
No, but the entire device is moldable and should be good for all mouth sizes.
If you are worried your mouth may be too small, you can check the size of the device before trying to mold it to your teeth. Pop it inside your mouth. If it extends beyond your back teeth, you can use a sharp knife to cut it down to size.
If you are left with any sharp edges after trimming, you can smooth them away with your fingertips as part of the boil and bite process.
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